In Honor of the woman who originally taught me to Tat, I am offering a
giveaway!My Nana was an enigma, She was born in aught 2 as she used to say, She passed away in 2000. 98 is a formidable accomplishment in life. Her story truly is long and involved but suffice it to say she lived a very long full life. She buried all of her family, including her son, my father. She survived 2 husbands. Sold Stanley Home Products, as well as being a full time beautitian! She had a shop set up in her basement. Her nickname on the CB was Gadabout. She loved to travel and see new places. She taught me to crochet, knit and Tat. She would not kiss me because I had WHISKERS! She also gave me her recipe to make her Date Nut pinwheel cookies. What is funny is this, I am the only one she taught these things. She always just "DID" for others, I was the only one who asked to learn them.
So here is the Game~ Guess the Gadabout's Birthday!!! The person who guesses her birthday or guesses closest to her actual birthday will get the white snowflake with the silver beads that is the main blog picture for this blog. I got such wonderful responses from you all I want to return something to you. So, I will take guesses until Yule! December 21, 2008. I will determine who is closest on that day and will send out the prize on Monday the 22nd of December. So send your submissions to my email, inkydaffin AT with the subject of "Gadabout". I will notify the winner via email and as a comment to this blog entry to let everyone know who won.
I want to thank Everyone who has posted comments to my posts. You ALL have been wonderful and for that I am truly thankful. In the event that two guess the same date and either hit the date exactly, or hit the closest date exactly I will JUST have to tat a second one to send out. I hope that will be acceptable as far as a tie resolution.